| 1. | Sorry . we usually pair the u er and lower together to sell 对不起,我们通常上下铺搭配在一起卖。 |
| 2. | We have three meals every day . they are breakfast , lunch and u er 我们每天吃三餐饭:早餐、中餐和晚餐。 |
| 3. | The skull , torso and u er and lower lim , including the hand , show both human and ape - like features 它的头骨、躯干、和上下肢,包括手,既有人类特征也有象猿的地方。 |
| 4. | In greco - roman wrestling , the wrestlers used only their arms and u er bodies to attack 在古典式摔跤比赛中,摔跤选手只能用双臂和上半身去攻击对手,也只能扭抱对手的这些部位。 |
| 5. | 762 we no longer manufacture pure cotton shirts as their retail prices tend only to attract that u er end of the market 我方已不再生产纯棉衬衫因为其零售价格只能吸引高档消费者。 |
| 6. | First , erosion resulting from exce ive deforestation in the u er reaches of the river and , second , heavy silting which raised the riverbed in the main cha el 第一,过度砍伐引起的河流上游的侵蚀,第二,严重的泥沙淤积抬高了主干道的河床。 |
| 7. | It has been shown that inte e exercise will su re your immune function ( related to the u er re iratory infection ) even several days following your workout 因为剧烈运动会压抑你的免疫系统功能(与你的上呼吸感染有关的免疫系统功能) ,并且此压抑情况会持续好几天。 |
| 8. | The measure a roved friday by japan ' s u er house will tra form the defe e agency from an affiliate of the cabinet office to a policy - making ministry with a budget 日本国会参议院星期五批准的这项法案将把原来隶属于内阁府的防卫厅变成了一个有预算和政策制定权的省。 |
| 9. | Reflux aggravates the back pre ure effect on the u er tract by exposing it to a ormally high intravesical pre ures ? ? in addition to favoring the o et or persistence of urinary tract infection 面对膀胱非常高的压力,尿液反流除促使尿路发生感染或使感染持续性,还加重上尿路的反压。 |
| 10. | B . ask client to close both eye i ect lid position . raise eyebrows and i ect u er eyelids for color , edema , and presence of lesio . have client open eyes , and note blink reflex 受检者闭上双眼,检查眼睑位置。揭开眉毛,检查上眼睑颜色、浮肿及有无损伤。嘱受检者睁眼,注意瞬目反射。 |